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Writing a Cover Letter for the Tech Industry
Course Introduction
What is a Cover Letter and Why Does It Matter? (0:50)
The 5 Parts of a Cover Letter (0:22)
Sample Cover Letters
Let's Write: Format Your Cover Letter (1:11)
1. The Heading
Let's Write: The Heading (2:32)
Custom Heading Templates
2. The Greeting
Who Are You Writing to? (0:51)
Let's Write: The Greeting (1:07)
3. The Introduction
Start by Hooking the Reader (1:05)
Let's Write: The Introduction (0:28)
Learn How to Identify the Tone of the Job Posting (0:35)
4. The Body Paragraphs
Map Your Skills to the Job Requirements (0:39)
Let's Write: Body Paragraphs (2:22)
5. The Conclusion
Let's Write: The Conclusion (1:40)
Make Your Conclusion Count (0:17)
Sending Your Cover Letter
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Advice on How to Send Your Cover Letter to a Potential Employer (1:51)
Advice on How to Send Your Cover Letter to a Potential Employer
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