Getting your foot in the door in the tech industry isn't easy. This advanced course from a tech company in Silicon Valley shows you how to stand out.

Not hearing back from tech companies?

The cover letter that's worked for you in the past isn't going to do the trick.

No one teaches you how to make a strong impression on tech-savvy millenials...until now.

Your Results:

With just one hour and a job description, you'll finish this course with a professionally edited cover letter for your dream job.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Didn't get what you wanted out of it? wikiHow will honor a full refund.

This course is backed by a reputable company that you can trust.

This course is for you if:

  • You're pressed for time; with just 16 minutes of bite-sized videos, this is not your average lecture-heavy course. It is short, sweet, and to-the-point
  • You've written cover letters in the past (you know the basics already)
  • You have professional experience but want to "break in" to the tech world
  • You have a hard time selling yourself in creative ways
  • English isn't your first language and you struggle to capture that Silicon Valley tone

This course is NOT for you if:

  • This is your very first time writing a cover letter, ever
  • You're applying for jobs that are not in the tech industry